A Few Tips to Help the Start of Your Day be Enjoyable.

Practice a Smile

This is the simplest thing to do.  A smile can literally trick your mind into feeling happier. When smiling, the body releases endorphins and serotonin, which makes a person feel better. 

Love You and Others

Every morning should begin with a sincere understanding that love for yourself and others is a choice. Why not choose to love you first?  When awakening, the brain is still fuzzy and tired. The conscious mind is still a “blank page” for a bit - and the mind and body are undisturbed. During this moment of fogginess, think about something or someone that is sincerely loved.  If he, she or it is in the home, share a hug with the person, pet or item.  Since the good hormones are being released, a positive start to the day, as well as keeping one’s focus on what’s important, just happens naturally. The joy with which the day is starting will have a lasting affect throughout the day and may become habit forming.

Go to Sleep with Pleasant Thoughts

One of the more important elements to waking up with a pleasant disposition is to go to sleep with pleasant and positive thoughts. This can be accomplished by having a healthy, gratitude-filled bedtime routine. Consider including the following: express to yourself some appreciative statements, listen to some soft, relaxing, non-lyrical music, avoid watching the news, and eliminate technology an hour before sleep time.  When sleep is peaceful, awakening feeling refreshed will happen naturally.

Start the Day Relaxed

The more relaxed one starts his or her day, the more powerful and energized throughout the day. Begin the day with deep breathing exercises, some yoga or stretching or meditate for a short while.  All of these will help release tension and enhance a day of peace.

Make Your Bed

It is truly interesting how many folks choose to avoid bed-making.  It not only feels good to accomplish something so early in the day, but it feels extra nice to come home to a bed that is fresh and ready for a peaceful night’s sleep.  The typical response to this scenario is, “Why should I make my bed, it’s just going to be messed up again!”  Hmmmm…what would the response be if one entered a hotel room and saw an unmade bed?

